
lockpick theory formulates strategies which triangulate the value of ideas:

build foundations

create connections

grow engagement



We formulate bespoke marketing strategies which work.

Our unique marketing solution will remove barriers between you and your audience, striving to achieve the most effective and efficient methods to communicate with your audience and capitalise on their response.

break locks. open doors.


To build your bespoke marketing strategy, we need to understand your business and what you’re trying to achieve. Answer these five questions (BAMBA), and we’ll build you a three-month marketing plan for free.

what is lockpick theory?


The lock picking process begins with identifying the lock itself. Everything starts with the lock.


Equally, the first stage of our bespoke marketing service is to identify The Lock: 

With your guidance, we will analyse your business, your competitors, and your market to determine areas of improvement. These areas of improvement (The Lock) then become the target of our marketing strategy.


Once we've identified the lock, we can select the right picking tools. 

Identifying the lock will indicate what Picks are needed to optimise your business: 

  • Human Resources – Our strategy will aim to utilise the staff you have, but if we find there are gaps in your workforce, we can provide experts to fill the roles. 
  • Digital Infrastructure – It’s essential that your digital infrastructure is equipped to capture, nurture and close leads. Before the campaign begins, we will make sure that all of your marketing systems meet the requirements of the strategy.


The correct tools are worth nothing without relevant expertise. 


As part of our service you will be assigned a marketing expert who is responsible for:

  • Creating you a detailed marketing strategy
  • Building, implementing and testing marketing systems
  • Training staff wherever necessary
  • Managing the campaigns from start to finish
  • Reporting on the success of each campaign

why use lockpick theory?


– Infrastructure

– Workflows

– Automations



– Text 

– Imagery

– Audio



– Awareness

– Authority

– Trust
